Mediation in Florida

Jacksonville-Saint Augustine Family Law Attorney FLA Legal Professionals, LLC On Mediation

It’s a common misconception among married individuals in the state of Florida that the only way to resolve a contentious divorce or child custody battle is to take their spouses to court and have a judge settle the points of dispute. As a family law attorney who has represented clients in a multitude divorces in Duval, Clay, Baker, Flagler and St. Johns counties, it is my well-informed belief that utilizing the family courts to resolve disputes should be a last resort.

More often than not, both parties wind up feeling that they abdicated their power to the judge, leaving them little room to compromise. Many divorcing spouses and parents find a solution to their disputes through mediation. Mediation is a process where both parties attend an informal conference—with or without their lawyers—to assist them in facilitating an agreement to the issues in conflict.

How Does Mediation Work in a Florida Divorce?

Mediation is a formal process that occurs in a neutral location. Depending on the agreement, the parties may have their divorce lawyers present, or they may forgo their direct services. The mediator will assist in identifying the points of contention between the two spouses. He or she will then oversee negotiations with both parties. The mediator acts as an intermediary so that the spouses don’t have to directly interact with one another. Should an agreement be reached, it is non-binding. In some cases, family court judges will order the divorcing spouses to attempt mediation before allowing their case before the court.

What Can Be Resolved Through Mediation

Almost any point of dispute that could arise during a divorce can be resolved through mediation, including:

  • Child Custody
  • Time-Sharing
  • Child Support
  • Alimony
  • Visitation
  • Asset and Debt Division

Jacksonville Family Law and Mediation Attorney

Whether your mediation rules allows a lawyer to be present or not, family law attorney MaRia Rogers of Duval County can assist advise you throughout you negotiations and review the terms of any agreement that is developed during mediation. Additionally, she can draft an agreement for parenting, child support, alimony, dividing marital assets, et cetera.